Connecticut Science Center 2019

On Friday, May 17, 2019, fourth grade students went on a field trip to the Connecticut Science Center in Hartford, Connecticut. Students experienced a full day of hands-on science. They had access to over 165 interactive exhibits. Because they were in small groups, they were able to explore the Science Center at their own pace, dedicating the majority of their time to the activities they were most excited about. It was a fun-filled day of science.

Click on a photo below to enlarge it.


Important Dates and Reminders

Spirit days:

  • Monday, May 13: Wild hair day
  • Monday, May 20: Look alike day

Other important dates:

  • Friday, May 17 – Field trip!
  • Friday, May 24 – No school, teacher work day
  • Monday, May 27 – No school, Memorial Day

Field Trip Information:

* Students may not bring electronics for the school bus ride to the Connecticut Science Center.

  • Students may bring a camera to take pictures at the Connecticut Science Center. If a student brings a camera, he/she must have a plan for keeping it safe. Students should not plan to carry a camera in their hand. It will be put down to do activities and likely forgotten.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Field Trip Chaperones

May 7, 2019

Hello Fourth Grade Chaperones,

  • On Friday, May 17, please come to the classroom with your student in the morning. Students will have a snack, use the bathroom, and get organized for the trip. I will go over any last-minute information with you and answer any questions before we get on the school bus at 9:00. 
  • You should bring a lunch for yourself. There will be a bin to put lunches in while we are at the Science Center.
  • We will enter the Science Center as a group, but we will not stay as a group while we are there. There are 13 parents that are coming as chaperones. That means that each will be in charge of 1-2 kids. Your student(s) and you may explore the Science Center at your own pace and do the activities the student(s) are most eager about. You are encouraged to explore the three levels of the Science Center with other LES parents, buddy up, so students are not exploring and doing activities alone.
  • We will come together for lunch at a specific time, and get back on the school bus shortly after eating. We will eat in their cafeteria.
  • No one should visit the gift shop.
  • Do not buy tickets to a 3D movie for your group since that is not something the whole class is doing.
  • There are three floors of science activities. There are both stairs and elevators that go between the three floors.
  • I will give out my cell phone number that morning in case you need me while we are at the Science Center. Do not hesitate to call or text me while we are there. I do ask you delete my number once we return to LES.
  • We will return to LES before 3:00. 

Please let me know if you have additional questions. 

Thank you,

Katrin Griswold

Field Trip Info and General Updates

Hello Fourth Grade Families,

The field trip to the Connecticut Science Center is next week, Friday, May 17.
  • We will be traveling by school bus.
  • Electronics are not allowed for the bus ride. It is about an hour away.
  • Your child may bring a camera to take pictures at the Science Center, though he/she is responsible for keeping the cameras safe. Your child should not plan to carry the camera as they will likely be put down and forgotten.
  • Everyone needs a packed lunch. Some families signed up to have LES pack their child a lunch. Please let me know if you are not sure if your child is on that list.
  • Students should not bring money. We are not visiting the gift shop.

Please return the blue permission slip regarding the health lessons at the end of the month, letting us know if your child will participate.

There is no homework this week due to MCAS.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Katrin Griswold

Upcoming Events

Hello Fourth Grade Families,

Math MCAS will be on Monday and Tuesday next week. Students will not have homework. Instead, they should relax, read, laugh, play, go to bed early, and eat a filling breakfast on MCAS mornings. Pretzels, mints, and Hershey chocolate will be passed out to students during testing. If students have dietary restrictions or food allergies, they are welcome to bring in alternative treats. Snack time will be available before and after testing, so students should bring a snack from home. Gum will not be allowed.
Spirit Mondays are coming to LES in May. Participation is optional but encouraged.
    • May 6 (this Monday) – Wild patterns and mismatching clothing
    • May 13 – Wild hair day
    • May 20 – Look alike day – Either looking like someone else in the class or school for the day, or the whole class doing something to look alike for the day 
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Katrin Griswold

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

There are several upcoming events. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • Our next session with Helen Ann from the Hitchcock Center is tomorrow. There is a possibility of the session being outside.
  • MCAS math will be Monday and Tuesday next week
  • No gum for MCAS
  • Sprit days will be on Mondays in May (Participation in spirit days is optional but encouraged):
      • May 6 – Wild patterns and mismatching clothing
      • May 13 – Wild hair day
      • May 20 – Look alike day – Either looking like someone else in the class or school for the day, or the whole class doing something to look alike for the day

Thank you,

Katrin Griswold